Monday 27 January 2020

Peeking at some Petit Lenormand


I love Lenormand. I became serious about reading with the system a few years ago, and often augment a tarot reading with a 3 or 5 card spread of Lenormand cards. I have collected a modest number of decks and want to show you a selection of those I read with. My latest acquisition is one of the most exquisite Lenormands I have ever seen. I am delighted to be working with it.

Let me present ... The Alexander Daniloff Lenormand!

I mentioned in a previous post featuring Alexander's beautiful tarot that he was bringing out a Lenormand - I knew it would be beautiful, theatrical art, but this deck had my jaw dropping to the floor in wonder. As soon as I began working with the cards, it became an instant favourite. The cards are the traditional small size (approx 9cm x 5.8cm) so there is ease when laying out a Grand Tableau (a spread using all 36 cards). Larger-sized Lenormands aren't a deal-breaker for me, I possess many poker-sized decks (approx 9cm x 6.3cm) but I find I reach for the smaller decks first. Alexander's placement of the playing card insert is stunning and original; the banners are truly a part of the image.
Here are some more!


I say the deck became an instant favourite, which takes some doing as a forever-favourite and well-used Lenormand is the wonderful Celtic Lenormand by Chloe McCracken with art by Will Worthington. Again sticking with the smaller size, I adore these.

Woman, Heart, Book - I also love that the images are so clear it isn't necessary to name the cards. I'm easy on that count as long as the name doesn't interfere with the artwork, but I know several readers who abhor seeing card names. Still, we can't all be the same, eh!

The deck I learned with was this one - Blau Eule, or Blue Owl (Urania publishing). It's an extremely popular Lenormand containing very traditional images.

I have a few Lenormand decks created by Paris Debono ( and this one, The Yellow Wave, is wicked!

It's stark and contemporary, I love the inserts.

The system of Petit Lenormand came out of 'The Game of Hope' a game a little like Snakes and Ladders, where all the cards are laid out from 1 to 36. Old sets of these cards can be found in the British Museum but facsimiles are available to buy from many book and card sellers.

Aren't they lovely? You can see that the inserts include Bells, Hearts, Leaves and Acorns, which were forerunners of Diamonds, Hearts, Spades and Clubs in German-style imagery.

I'll leave you with another picture from the Alexander Daniloff - many creators include extra Man and Woman/Lord and Lady cards to cover diversity and same-sex relationships. Here are Alexander's - I particularly love the Woman with a ginger and white cat in her arms as that'll be me!

'Til next time,
